• 197 reviews
FastSave for Instagram™ (reel, photo, story)
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FastSave for Instagram™ (reel, photo, story)
FastSave for Instagram™ (reel, photo, story)
FastSave for Instagram™ (reel, photo, story)
FastSave for Instagram™ (reel, photo, story)

FastSave & Repost: The Ultimate Chrome Extension for Instagram

Are you tired of not being able to save and repost your favorite Instagram photos and videos? Look no further! FastSave & Repost is here to help you effortlessly download and share content from Instagram. With a total rating of 4.4 out of 5 based on user reviews, this Chrome extension is a must-have for Instagram enthusiasts.

What can FastSave & Repost do for you?

FastSave & Repost offers a range of features that make accessing and sharing Instagram content a breeze. Here's what you can expect:

  • Save Video & Photo & Story & Reels: You can now save videos, photos, stories, and IG Reels from Instagram and IGTV directly to your PC.
  • Repost without Watermarks: Share Instagram photos and videos without any annoying watermarks added.
  • Two Screen Size Modes: Choose between desktop and phone view sizes for a seamless browsing experience.

How to use FastSave & Repost

Installing FastSave & Repost is quick and easy. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Visit the extension store of your browser.
  2. Search for "FastSave & Repost" and click on 'Install' or 'Add to Browser'.

Once the extension is installed, you can start enjoying its benefits:

  1. Open your browser and navigate to the Instagram website.
  2. Log into your Instagram account if necessary.

Downloading Photos and Videos from Instagram

With FastSave & Repost, downloading photos and videos is a breeze:

  1. On any Instagram page, you will now see two new buttons under each post: 'Download' and 'Repost'.
  2. To download a photo or video, simply click on the 'Download' button below it.

Downloading IG Reels Videos

If you're interested in downloading a Reels video, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the 'Reels' section of the profile.
  2. Once you've found a video you want to download, click on the 'Download' icon in the upper right corner of the reel.

Downloading IG Stories

Downloading IG Stories is just as easy:

  1. Click on the desired story to view it.
  2. You should see a 'Download' button in the upper right corner. Click on this to download the story.

Reposting IG Content

Reposting content is a great way to share your favorite Instagram posts with your own followers:

  1. To repost a photo, video, or story, simply click on the 'Repost' button.
  2. Note that reposting someone else's story will put it in your own story, while reposting a post will put it in your feed.

Reposting Limitations

While FastSave & Repost allows you to easily repost content, there are a few limitations to keep in mind:

  • The content must not exceed 60 seconds in length.
  • The file size must not be larger than 4GB.
  • The content must adhere to specific aspect ratios: 16:9 for landscape format, 1:1 for square format, and 4:5 for vertical format.
  • The content must have a minimum resolution of 600x315 for landscape, 600x600 for square, and 600x750 for vertical.

By following these instructions, you can make the most of FastSave & Repost and enjoy seamless access to Instagram content. Always remember to respect the rights of the original content creators when downloading and reposting content.

Easy to download and repost Instagram photos and videos

No watermarks added when reposting content

Limited to specific aspect ratios and resolutions

197 reviews
12 Reviews For This Extension
Markus Deutsch

It breaks pages using Bootstrap alerts. So please devs, fix this. And anyway, why does this extension modify pages that are not Instagram anyway?

Gevork X

It's okay at instagram, but messes with content of some other sites. I fixed it at browser extension options, "Site acces > Allow this extension > on specific sites > https://www.instagram.com"

ARHAM siddique

it work's perfect..??

Ed Hye

- Doesn't allow you to save stories, if you click on an account and then the account's avatar. No buttons for saving the story appear. - If you try to download photos from the main feed while scrolling, sometimes it downloads an avatar instead of the actual pic. - Also weirdly, it blocks the ability to login using Google ID on sites like Reddit. It's definitely this extension. If you disable this extension, suddenly the popup window that allows you to login to Reddit using Google appears. However, it does allow you to save pics and videos from Instagram accounts easily.

Daniel Dean

Great tool overall, but can you please add an Option to save STORIES? please? I think you had this option before... no?

Leslie Huhn

Direct Repost doesn't work on my side. It just loads to infinity. Can anyone help with this?

Arnab Ghosh

Working on all posts only on mobile mode... In web mode only working on home page...


Blocks google login window boxes to appear or to go through.

Jason Ridgwell

Works well, but this extension was found to be stopping actions on Twitch.tv from working. Allowing it to only work on Instagram.com fixes that so is the way to go, but it will complain about not having access to all sites.


This extension seems to hide HTML elements with the 'alert' class, and also affects styles for several other classes. It operates on all domains, which means it impacts elements on domains other than instagram.com as well. As a temporary fix, you can set the extension to only access instagram.com from the extension's details page. This will prevent the extension from affecting element styles on other domains.

Tom Tom

Please fix it! it no longer works in profile stories. thx

Coin-coin le Canapin

Injects the following CSS on other websites: .default { background-color: rgb(0, 149, 246); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); } This extension shouldn't execute any code or style on websites others than Instagram.

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